Types of Millipedes in Florida

A millipede crawling on a person's hand - keep pests away from your home with florida pest control

Almost like clockwork (depending on environmental conditions), millipedes migrate in large numbers and become quite a nuisance for many homeowners during this time of year. Some migrations in the past were so large that it became necessary to apply sand on slippery railroad tracks for traction of locomotive drive wheels due to the squished millipedes! These days, millipedes remain very active in Florida, where there are currently over 50 species in existence. Thankfully, only a few of these species migrate in large numbers. At Florida Pest Control, we know how distressing seeing a ton of millipedes can be. Our experts are here to share everything you need to know about the plight of millipedes here in Floridaโ€”read on to learn more!

Common Millipedes in the Southeast

The types of millipedes to be most concerned about include:

  1. Yellow-Banded Millipede (Anadenobolus monilicornis) is known to exist in numbers high enough to cause homeowners grief. Although the Yellow-Banded Millipede is not a naturally occurring species, populations have grown quite large over the years. Theyโ€™re often seen crawling over patios, sidewalks, and up the sides of buildings.
  2. The Florida Ivory Millipede occasionally migrates but rarely in numbers that will cause any alarm. This millipede is often seen crossing roads and sidewalks. They occasionally invade patios but rarely in the high numbers we see other millipedes migrate at.
  3. There are two species of Flat-Backed Millipedes that migrate in extremely high numbers during the fall.ย  The first is known as the Greenhouse Millipede (Oxidus gracilis) and the second is sometimes called the Cyanide Millipede (Asiomorpha coarctata) because of its ability to secrete hydrogen cyanide. The two look very much alike and are almost indistinguishable. Flat-Backed Millipedes are much smaller, ranging from about ยฝโ€ to 1โ€ in length. The smaller size allows them to enter homes and businesses through cracks in thresholds, sliding glass doors, windows, etc. This migration usually takes place in late summer and fall (September through November).

How to Prevent Millipedes

Controlling millipedes can be a challenge due to their behavior and high populations. Knowing a little about their biology and habits will help considerably. A thorough treatment of the grounds, including ornamental beds, is necessary. However, in the case of millipede control, it is best that mulch is raked back to allow the control product to be applied where the millipedes are harboring. If the turf has heavy thatch build-up, aeration will help reduce the thatch, eliminating a major food source for the millipedes. By making sure you’re doing this on a normal rotation, you can successfully prevent millipedes

Need Help with Migrating Millipedes?

At Florida Pest Control, we understand why millipedes are such a concerning pest. Not only are they frightening to look at, but they can migrate in the hundreds! Our experts are happy to help with any millipede concerns you may have, whether it’s preventing them or getting rid of them.

Contact us today to get started!

Noticing Silverfish In Your House?

Silverfish in Florida home - Florida Pest Control

Some insects could seemingly care less whether or not people see them. Others, like silverfish, make every effort to avoid the limelight. In fact, you might never know silverfish are secretly living inside your home. As nocturnal insects, silverfish are active while most people are sound asleep. They prefer dark, humid areas such as garages, attics, sheds, kitchens, and bathrooms, but wonโ€™t hesitate to scurry across a bedroom floor. The brown-gray to the bluish-silver appearance of their tapered bodies coupled with their wiggly walk earned them the silverfish name. They often lurk in cabinets or inside cardboard boxes and may also deem a pile of damp clothing a good nesting place.

If you are noticing these pests around your home, you may be wondering what you can do to get rid of them. The experts at Florida Pest Control are here to share everything you need to know about silverfish.

What Are Silverfish?

Silverfish have powerful appetites that translate to a lot of damage within our homes. Paper and photos make for ideal dining as do sugary or starchy substances like carpet glue, book bindings, wallpaper, plaster, and some paints. And those are just a few of the items on the silverfish menu. Most often, youโ€™ll notice silverfish damage long before seeing an actual silverfish.

When people do encounter silverfish inside the home, it often happens in bathrooms. You may see them in the sink or bathtub or crawling along the floor, near a wall. They move fairly quickly and rush to find cover, often squeezing under baseboards as soon as the lights come on.

How to Get Rid of Silverfish

To discourage silverfish from entering your home in the first place, there are a few things you can do. To prevent silverfish, there are two crucial steps you can take:

  1. The most important thing you can do is control humidity inside the house. They prefer to live in areas with 75-95 percent relative humidity. That might sound high, but itโ€™s not uncommon in Florida. For that reason, air conditioners and dehumidifiers are vital for making your home environment less attractive to silverfish. You can also take steps including fixing leaky pipes, caulking baseboards, and eliminating standing water.
  2. Whenever possible, store items in plastic bins with lids, rather than cardboard boxes. Cardboard boxes tend to be one of the silverfishโ€™s most favorite places to hang out. Not only do silverfish like cardboard, but roaches also do too! The corrugation of the cardboard creates a nice place for them to call home.

Dealing With a Silverfish Infestation?

If you donโ€™t stumble across a silverfish, however, how are you supposed to know they covertly live in your home? Well, you probably wonโ€™t know for sure without a professional inspection. If you have suspicions (most likely based on damage around the house), ourย household pest control serviceย is a perfect option to eliminate these secretive insects.

Contact Florida Pest Control today to schedule an inspection!