Understanding Bed Bug Prevention for Hotel Managers

bed bugs in bed with Florida Pest Control in Gainesville FL

The last thing a hotel guest wants to see when getting into bed for the night is bed bugs. In hospitality, the well-being and comfort of your guests are of the utmost importance, and bed bugs are an easy way to tarnish their experience and your reputation. With the constant flow of people coming in and out of your hotel, it may seem impossible to keep bed bugs out, however, there are some precautions you can take to help minimize your risk. Here’s what you need to know about bed bugs to keep your establishment as clean as possible.

How Common Are Bed Bugs in Hotels?

Bed bugs are a common issue at any hotel. As people come and go, bed bugs will hitchhike on a single traveler into the hotel and then begin an infestation with the new guests coming in. Bed bugs can thrive in any type of hotel environment and can occur in even the best-kept hotels. 

How Can You Prevent Bed Bugs as a Hotel Manager?

While completely preventing bed bugs is not likely, there are steps that you can take to protect guests and your reputation. By taking proactive steps and acting quickly when early signs are noticed, you can minimize the risk of a severe infestation. These steps include: 

  • Put insect-proof encasements on mattresses
  • Incorporate inspections into regular cleaning routines
  • Steam clean all upholstered furniture, including headboards
  • Keep guest rooms and common areas free from clutter
  • Monitor feedback from guests to see if anyone reports bed bugs
  • Coordinate with a commercial pest control professional

Signs of Bed Bugs in Hotels

As your staff cleans rooms after each guest, they should also be on the lookout for bed bugs. The faster they can catch an infestation, the more easily you will be able to contain it. Educate your staff on the signs of bed bugs in hotels, which include:

  • Visible Bugs: Bed bugs are small, reddish-brown insects that can sometimes be seen crawling on mattresses, bedding, or furniture.
  • Dark Spots: Dark spots or stains on bedding, mattresses, or furniture may indicate bed bug fecal matter or blood stains left behind after feeding.
  • Eggshells and Shed Skins: Bed bugs shed their skins as they grow, leaving behind translucent eggshells and molted exoskeletons in areas where they hide.
  • Musty Odor: A sweet, musty odor may be present in rooms with a significant bed bug infestation, particularly in enclosed spaces like closets or behind furniture.

What to Do if Your Hotel Has Bed Bugs

Bed bugs in a hotel room can shock anyone who comes upon them. Taking fast action to slow the infestation is a must to prevent the bugs from getting out of control. Should the situation go beyond your abilities, it’s best to turn to professional bed bug exterminators. 

At Florida Pest Control, we’re proud to offer a wide range of bed bug removal services for hotel managers in Florida. We offer discreet services that will quickly contain the issue without alarming guests. If your hotel is experiencing an outbreak of bed bugs, contact us today!

Guide to Florida Hotel Bed Bug Inspections

Florida bed bug inspection in hotel - Florida Pest Control

Aside from residential properties, hotel rooms are the most common bed bug breeding grounds throughout the country. Though you may think bed bug infestations are confined to roadside motels or hotels, they are more widespread and commonly found than you think. Hotels as prestigious as the Ritz Carlton can suffer from bed bug infestations. Infestations have been on the rise for the past decade, and another surge is currently underway. Whether you work in a hotel or are planning to visit one soon, you need to remain vigilant.

Our team at Florida Pest Control understands how distressing it is to deal with bed bugs. Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about inspecting hotel rooms for bed bugs.

Bed Bugs in Florida Hotels

According to PestWorld, hotels are amongst the three most common spots for bed bug infestations. But why are hotels vulnerable to these pests to begin with? Known as a “hitchhiking” pest, bed bugs can hide in mattresses, bed frames, and other parts of a room while waiting for a new host. With the level of tourism we have in Florida, pests like bed bugs are especially common in hotels. Bed bugs are rarely lacking access to a blood meal in a hotel room. Bottom line: it’s imperative to always be on the lookout for bed bugs when traveling.

5 Areas to Inspect For Bed Bugs

No matter whether you’re checking into a hotel as a guest or if you’re in charge of cleaning the rooms, everyone should take the same precautions to look for bed bugs. The following areas should be thoroughly checked for signs of bed bug activity:

  • Mattress, box spring & bed frame
  • Sofas, chairs, pillows, & other seating
  • Wardrobes, dressers, & baseboards
  • Nightstands and wall fixtures
  • Closet items

In-depth guide to hotel bed bug inspections >>

What to Do if You Discover Bed Bugs in Your Hotel

You should contact the hotel’s manager as soon as you suspect your room has bed bugs. By doing so, you can prevent bed bugs from spreading throughout the hotel. When you turn to a bed bug control professional like Florida Pest Control, you can be sure the most effective treatment will be used to eliminate these pests. To learn more, contact us now.

Ouch! Something’s Biting Me!

What mites look like in Florida - Florida Pest Control

One of the most universally loathed feelings is the sensation of a bug crawling up your leg or your back, out of sight. You quickly jump to swat it away, and sometimes you make contact with a critter, but sometimes there’s nothing there at all. This leaves you wondering whether there’s a pest lurking somewhere close by or your imagination is making you believe that there is.

Florida residents know that there are a lot of different bugs that could be biting during the summer. Read on for Florida Pest Control’s expert advice on bug bite identification and our regional conditions that could trick you into thinking you have bug bites.

Bugs that Bite in Florida

Florida is home to more pests than almost any other state in the country. Our wet, subtropical climate creates the perfect environment for insects and arachnids of all kinds to thrive. Because of this, Floridians are subject to all kinds of bug bites each year. Here are five of the most common types of bites that we experience here:

  • Bed Bugs: Bed bugs come out of hiding during the night to bite us while we sleep. They bite us in zig-zag patterns across our exposed skin, leaving tiny, bright red bumps.
  • Mosquitoes: Mosquitoes are so light that you often won’t feel them on your skin until the bite mark appears. They start as a raised white welt and recede into an itchy, pinkish-red bump over the next few days.
  • Ticks & Fleas: People often pick up tick and flea bites in heavily wooded or vegetated areas. Flea bites are tiny and of a light red color, but ticks lodge into your skin and stay there for up to two days sometimes.
  • Midges: Also known as “no-see-ums,” biting midges are only about 1-3 mm long. They leave tiny bite marks that are very itchy.
  • Mites: Mite bites have raised white centers with a bright red ring around them. Sometimes they are harmless, but they are also able to cause swelling, itchiness, and sharp pain.

Conditions that Cause Itchiness

Certain conditions of the environment around you and your body’s reaction to them can cause skin symptoms that resemble bug bites. Redness, itchiness, and pain are all related to pest-related and unrelated skin issues. These are a few other reasons why your skin could feel worse than usual:

  1. Low humidity: A stark drop in humidity can cause your skin to become dry. It will also increase static electricity, so part of your skin or hair can be made to move in a way that feels like a bug crawling.
  2. Skin allergies: Changing your detergent, soap, perfume, deodorant, or any other topical product can result in a skin allergy. Red bumps and rashes that result from these changes can feel and look like bug bites.
  3. Clogged air conditioning filter: A clogged air conditioning filter can actually result in more particles in the air due to an excess expulsion of trapped dust and debris. This can lead to irritated skin and rashes that might look like bug bites.

How Florida Pest Control Handles Biting Bugs

If you’re sure that you have an infestation of biting pests in your home, the best way to get rid of them is to have them handled by a professional pest control company. At Florida Pest Control, we train our technicians with an emphasis on IPM principles, meaning that we integrate eco-friendly solutions and preemptive pest control strategies into our priorities. No matter what kind of pest you’re dealing with, contact us today for a free quote!