Mud Dauber

Facts & Identification

Actual Size: 1”

Characteristics: Yellow or black; very thin waist. Easily identified by their nest.

Legs: 6

Antennae: Yes

Habitat: Construct nests out of mud. Tubes are about 1” long and constructed side by side under eaves, porch ceilings, and more.


  • Unlikely to sting, even when disturbed.
  • Solitary wasps that do not live in colonies.
  • Collect and store spiders to feed their young.

Mud Daubers in Florida

Just as their name implies, mud daubers (also known as dirt daubers and with the scientific name Sceliphron caementarium) are solitary wasps that construct nests or brood chambers from the mud. There are many species of mud daubers and they are commonly found throughout the United States. 

Mud daubers are one of many bee, wasp, and hornet species found in Florida.

What Do Mud Daubers Look Like?

Besides its unique nest, one of the easiest ways to identify a mud dauber is by its thread-like waist separating its abdomen and thorax, which helps differentiate it from other types of wasps. They are typically black or dark blue, though some species, like the yellow mud dauber, have bright yellow markings. The blue mud dauber (Chalybion californicum), is known for its striking metallic blue color. These wasps are about 1 inch long, making them easy to spot if you know what to look for.

Signs of a Mud Dauber Infestation

Patchy colors from different soils on Mud Dauber nest. Photo taken in Franklin county, Florida

Mud daubers don’t usually cause harm to people, but they can be a nuisance if they build nests around your home. Here’s how to tell if you have a mud dauber infestation:

  1. Mud Nests: The most obvious sign of a mud dauber infestation is the appearance of mud nests around your property. These nests are often found on porch ceilings, under eaves, or in attics. They look like small tubes and are made from mud.
  2. Mud Dauber Wasps: Seeing mud daubers flying around your yard or home means they are likely building nests nearby. These wasps are not aggressive, but they may appear frequently as they gather mud.
  3. Paralyzed Spiders: Mud daubers hunt spiders to feed their larvae. The female mud dauber paralyzes the spiders and places them inside the mud nests for the larvae to eat. If you notice spiders in the nests, it’s a sign that mud daubers are nearby.
  4. Mud Trails: Mud daubers leave behind trails of mud as they gather it for their nests. These trails might lead you to their nest site.

If you notice signs of a mud dauber infestation around your Florida home, don’t wait for the problem to get worse. Contact Florida Pest Control today to have our experts safely remove nests and prevent future issues.

Habitat, Diet, Life Cycle & Behaviors

Understanding the habitat, diet, and behaviors of mud daubers can help you manage their presence.

Where Do Mud Daubers Live?

Mud daubers live in nests constructed by the female population of the colony. They build cylindrical nests that look much like an organ pipe. Nests consist of short mud tubes constructed side by side and are most often located in shaded areas like porch ceilings, under eaves, or in sheds and barns. 

The female mud dauber collects spiders, paralyzes them with her sting, and then places them inside mud chambers within the nest. She deposits an egg on top of one of the spiders in the chamber before sealing it off. The larval wasp hatches and feeds on the spiders provided, molting several times before pupating and transforming into an adult wasp. 

When nests appear to have round holes on the outside, this is an indication the wasps have emerged and the nest is inactive.


Mud daubers are known for feeding on spiders. The female mud dauber hunts spiders, stings them to paralyze them, and then places the spiders in a mud nest. These paralyzed spiders serve as food for her larvae when they hatch. Mud daubers hunt spiders from specific families, such as Crabronidae and Hymenoptera.

As adults, mud daubers also feed on nectar from flowers. This nectar provides the energy they need to fly and continue their nest-building activities.

Life Cycle

The life cycle of a mud dauber begins when the female mud dauber lays an egg inside a mud nest on top of a paralyzed spider. After the egg hatches, the larva feeds on the spider that the mother placed in the nest. 

Once the larva has eaten enough, it forms a pupa inside the nest. During this stage, the larva transforms into an adult wasp. When the transformation is complete, the adult wasp emerges from the pupa, ready to hunt for spiders and build new nests for the next generation.

The entire life cycle usually takes a few weeks to a few months, depending on factors like temperature and the availability of spiders.


Mud daubers do not defend their nests and are rarely aggressive. They focus on building nests and raising their young. Unlike other wasps, mud daubers don’t live in large colonies – and each female works alone to build and care for her nest. After capturing a spider, the female mud dauber gathers mud and carefully builds her nest, shaping it into tubular compartments. Each compartment holds one spider and one egg, ensuring her larvae have enough food to grow. 

In colder weather, mud daubers may overwinter in their pupa stage, staying inside their nests until the temperature warms up. Once the weather improves, they emerge as adults and begin the life cycle again.

Are Mud Daubers Dangerous?

Mud daubers are not aggressive and typically do not sting unless their nest is directly threatened. These wasps are beneficial insects as they reduce spider populations. Although mud daubers aren’t dangerous, they can still be a nuisance when they are nesting in or near your home. If a nest is found on your property, nest removal should always be handled by a professional wasp control company, as any wasp handling can be dangerous.

How to Get Rid of Mud Daubers?

If you’re noticing mud daubers around your home, it’s important to take action as soon as possible to prevent them from becoming a bigger issue. While you can remove mud nests yourself by scraping them off of porch ceilings or eaves, handling this on your own can be tricky and time-consuming. Plus, there’s always a risk of disturbing the nests, causing the wasps to become agitated.

For a safer, more effective solution, professional pest control is the best option. A trained pest control expert can quickly and thoroughly remove nests, ensuring no wasps remain in or around your home.  If you’re dealing with a mud dauber problem, Florida Pest Control is here to help. 

Mud Dauber Prevention Tips

Here are a few tips to keep these wasps from making their nests around your home:

  1. Seal Gaps and Cracks: Mud daubers are attracted to sheltered areas like attics and porch ceilings. Seal any cracks or gaps around your home where they could enter and start building nests.
  2. Remove Old Nests: As soon as you spot a mud nest, remove it. Mud daubers tend to return to the same areas to build new nests, so keeping your home clean of old nests will help deter them.
  3. Use Repellents: Some natural repellents, such as peppermint oil or essential oils, may help keep mud daubers away. Spraying these around areas where they tend to build nests can make the environment less inviting.
  4. Maintain Your Home’s Exterior: Keep your porch ceilings, eaves, and other sheltered areas clear of debris and clutter. By removing potential nesting sites, you’ll make your home less attractive to mud daubers.

Need Help with Bees, Wasps, or Hornets?

Whether you have a mud dauber nest, a bee infestation, or a paper wasp colony near your porch or elsewhere on your property, it’s always safest to seek professional help. Florida Pest Control’s bee, wasp, and hornet exterminators offer expert removal and prevention services to safely manage these insects.


How to remove mud dauber nests?

For safe and effective removal, it’s best to contact a professional pest control service. They can remove mud dauber nests efficiently while minimizing the risk of stings or disturbing the wasps.

Are mud daubers aggressive?

No. Mud daubers aren’t generally aggressive. Unlike social wasps, they do not defend their nests and are unlikely to sting unless directly threatened or handled.

Do mud daubers sting or bite?

Mud daubers can sting but do not bite. Their sting is mainly used to paralyze spiders, which they store in their mud nests to feed their developing larva. Stings are rarely used on humans unless the wasp feels endangered.

Are mud daubers wasps?

Yes, mud daubers are a type of wasp belonging to the Sphecidae family. They are a part of the Hymenoptera order and are closely related to other solitary wasps, such as potter wasps.

Are mud daubers poisonous?

No, mud daubers are not poisonous to humans. Their sting is designed to paralyze prey like spiders and does not pose significant harm to people, though it can cause mild discomfort if stung.